

NWC603COM –  AI and Games                                                                                                   Rachel Osho ID: 309740 Assignment 2 –  AI and Games Introduction Algorithms In this assignment I will talk about my game idea and how AI can be used within it. I will also describe the various elements that I am doing and how they apply to this concept you are proposing. In regards to the game that I am going to create a game with the layout of a maze. The game that I am going to create will consist of the main AI character and then the zombie attackers trying to c...


NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games                                                        Rachel Osho                                                                                                                                              ID: 309740 Assignment 1 – Theory One Bibliography 1. (2015). [video] Directed by Youtube. 2. D, S. (2017).  Teaching an AI to play a simple game using Q-learning - Practical Artificial Intelligence . [online] Practical Artificial Intelli...

6. Using AI in Computer Games (Learning Techniques)

NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games                                                        Rachel Osho                                                                                                                                              ID: 309740 Assignment 1 – Theory One Learning Techniques Q - Learning Q-Learning is a method that was introduced in 1989 by Watkins. (Wikipedia, n.d)  Q learning which is a reinforcement learning algorithm, this the algorithm was used ...

5. Using AI in Computer Games (Decision making concepts)

NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games                                                        Rachel Osho                                                                                                                                              ID: 309740 Assignment 1 – Theory One Decision making concepts Decision trees A decision tree is similar to a branching tree diagram transferring from node to node. Making decisions all the way from the top of the tree to the bottom. Decisions...

4. Using AI in Computer Games (Pathfinding Concepts)

NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games                                                        Rachel Osho                                                                                                                                              ID: 309740 Assignment 1 – Theory One Path-finding Path-finding  Concepts: The concept of path-finding also known as pathing is merely the method of the planning via the use of a computer application in terms of what is the more condensed rout...

3. Using AI in Computer Games (AI Techniques for games)

NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games                                                        Rachel Osho                                                                                                                                              ID: 309740 Assignment 1 – Theory One AI Techniques for games Boids Flocking Boids flocking is an artificial intelligence technique used in games and is a method and representation of crowd like behavior. The behavior of Boids flocking is q...

2. Using AI in Computer Games (Hardware constraints AI Engine)

NWC603COM – Using AI in Computer Games                                                        Rachel Osho                                                                                                                                              ID: 309740 Assignment 1 – Theory One Hardware constraints AI Engine Consoles  pcs and mobile phones are all examples of Hardware constraints. The advantages delivery to lots of differents consoles is that a larger market is reched, therefore more ...